Path and Sin are sitting beside each other and working from the same comp. Reason? Recession.
Path: Open my Twitter account
Sin: yeah then you can write me a msg,
(Account opened. Both accounts operating.)
Sin (Twittering): Finished watching Before Sunrise.
Path(Replying to sin’s Twitter): Told you it was a wonderful movie!
Sin: Aaare have you noticed one thing? We manage to be the Biggest losers on earth! Sitting on the same comp, Twittering to each other…
Path: Lol!! Chal lets go have lunch! Or shall I Twitter that too??
Both sitting bored on the same comp again. Full and satiated, Path belches. Sin disgusted. Both sigh like the emissions of a steam engine.
Suddenly Path: Oye!! Akshay Kumar unbuttoning his jeans!!!
Sin: Lets see lets see!! (eyes popping, she starts a mad search on the internet, while Path looks on dreamily).
Path: F5… FUCKING F5!!!
F5 pressed, both stare at the blank screen blankly, as it takes its own sweet time to reload.
5 secs…. Still staring… 10…. 15…
Path: FUCKING F5!!!!!
Bored yet anxious, they turn their attention to the TV screens across the floor. A particularly non-descript channel catches their attention. A woman with nothing womanly clad in a hideous stool-coloured saree is jiggling and bouncing her silicones all over the screen. It appears to be a Pak Filmfare Award…
Path: Dear God! I refuse to watch that. It is a deliberate assault on my sense of aesthetics and knowledge of the arts.
Sin: Fuck! They’ve introduced terrorism in movies as well. Mr.PM was right! Pak IS the epicenter of global terrorism.
Path: Yeah! They’ve commercialized it too. Next you know, those gun-totting barely-out-of-teen guys will wear sponsored T-shirts!!
Sin: Lets’s drink to that… RINKYYYYYYYYY………… let’s go for tea!!
They pull Rinky out of her reverie and file down for tea. Card punching is a big issue here.
Path: Open my Twitter account
Sin: yeah then you can write me a msg,
(Account opened. Both accounts operating.)
Sin (Twittering): Finished watching Before Sunrise.
Path(Replying to sin’s Twitter): Told you it was a wonderful movie!
Sin: Aaare have you noticed one thing? We manage to be the Biggest losers on earth! Sitting on the same comp, Twittering to each other…
Path: Lol!! Chal lets go have lunch! Or shall I Twitter that too??
Both sitting bored on the same comp again. Full and satiated, Path belches. Sin disgusted. Both sigh like the emissions of a steam engine.
Suddenly Path: Oye!! Akshay Kumar unbuttoning his jeans!!!
Sin: Lets see lets see!! (eyes popping, she starts a mad search on the internet, while Path looks on dreamily).
Path: F5… FUCKING F5!!!
F5 pressed, both stare at the blank screen blankly, as it takes its own sweet time to reload.
5 secs…. Still staring… 10…. 15…
Path: FUCKING F5!!!!!
Bored yet anxious, they turn their attention to the TV screens across the floor. A particularly non-descript channel catches their attention. A woman with nothing womanly clad in a hideous stool-coloured saree is jiggling and bouncing her silicones all over the screen. It appears to be a Pak Filmfare Award…
Path: Dear God! I refuse to watch that. It is a deliberate assault on my sense of aesthetics and knowledge of the arts.
Sin: Fuck! They’ve introduced terrorism in movies as well. Mr.PM was right! Pak IS the epicenter of global terrorism.
Path: Yeah! They’ve commercialized it too. Next you know, those gun-totting barely-out-of-teen guys will wear sponsored T-shirts!!
Sin: Lets’s drink to that… RINKYYYYYYYYY………… let’s go for tea!!
They pull Rinky out of her reverie and file down for tea. Card punching is a big issue here.
desperately trying to write something different that would be different yet pacifying.... so it's very nice, funny and vivid.....
:D how often does desperation turn into disappointment.... but we are only mortals... so forgive....
heeheehhoohoo...whatz twitter by the way?? nt imprtnt..r u guys losers ??? ummm yeah... u r..keep twittering!!!
somehw at the end of long days at offc im unable to rite nything coherent...maybe i shud strt twittering too..just need to find out what the fuck that is.....
Dear D,
I dont think that your lack of coherency has got anything to do with the office.... probably the people and loved ones around you, and sometimes IN you..... and by the way, you DO realise you are in the section of population that doesnt know what twitter is.... and i wouldnt dare to explain which section that is....
but yeah.... as far as social networking sites are concerened, they are now getting on my nerves, and twitter is no different..... so in a way, your ignorance is bliss..... not anything to be proud about mind you, but yeah, bliss.....
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