As it continues on its chosen path like a carefree little girl, gurgling her way through the banks of a river long dried, hopping on boulders, chasing the grasshoppers, laughing to herself… the liquid finally reaches the youth of its journey… it takes on a pace- fierce and passionate, and without a second look at the dreams of its childhood, it takes the plunge of its life. Flowing down the throat it numbs your mind, body and soul for a moment, when nothing else feels true but the union of the inexperienced orange drink with the very wise and experienced gullet… and when pro meets novice, the effect is dynamic. Each has something to learn and something to teach. The tyro has the world to learn and in turn teach the experienced renewed innocence; the innocence that is left behind in the rollercoaster of life. And it is this union that sings the swan song of the orange drink… it carries on in its way to the final destination, where it meets its final destiny… oblivion.
And then it is time for another gulp of your Glucon D!